Mahamudra Transcription Group

Help to transcribe rare teachings on Mahamurdra taught by
Geshe Tashi Tsering for the benefit of all beings.

Mahamudra Seal
Mahamudra Seal

About the teachings

Mahamudra refers to both a state of mind and a set of teachings aimed at realizing the nature of mind and ultimate reality. The term "mahamudra" can be translated as "great seal" or "great symbol."

The teachings of Mahamudra are deeply rooted in the Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions, emphasizing direct realization and experiential understanding of the nature of consciousness, emptiness, and the path to enlightenment.

These teachings were collected from 3 years of retreats led by Geshe Tashi Tsering, now abbot of Sera Mey monastery, that took place in England, Ackworth School retreats with Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds.

The teaching took place through 2016, 2017 and 2018. All the audio has been collected and transcribed using automated audio transcription tool.

To finish the work, we need your help.

Geshe Tashi Tsering with His Holiness Dalai Lama
Geshe Tashi Tsering with His Holiness Dalai Lama

HH 14th Dalai Lama with Geshe Tashi Tsering

We need your help

Although the audio has been transcribed by an automated tool it is not perfect resulting in some words being incorrect or missing. Also considering there are Tibetan and Sanskrit words used often in the teachings these are not recognised by the transcription tool.

This is where your help is needed

Our aim is to completely finish all the transcriptions to a high degree. We need volunteers to go through each transcription and correct any incorrect words and add Sanskrit and Tibetan terminologies. We will compile a list of Sanskrit and Tibetan terms to be used and referenced across transcriptions over the three years.

Helping out is easy

Working through the transcriptions is easy due to our advanced transcription tool named Trint. This tool allows you to step through the audio and the transcribed text word by word, which makes editing really easy. All you need to do is listen to the transcription and edit the words that need to be changed. Also we'll do our best to give you all the help you need contribute.

See our example audio and transcription.

Be part of preserving the precious teachings

Your efforts will go towards preserving profound teachings that result in direct liberation of suffering. Perhaps one day, if Geshe-la wishes, the transcriptions could be used to make a book one day.


Signup to register your interest

Thank you so much for your interest. We'll be in touch to organise how you can help.